Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What Day Is It, Anyway?

Last week on Tuesday, I was somewhere and as I said goodbye to the person I was talking to, I added, "Have a great weekend!"  Wait....what??  For the last couple of weeks, I have had no idea what day it is.  I so have to stop and focus about the day and date and look at the calendar to be sure I am not missing an appointment or where the kids need to be.  I kind of like it, but then again, I feel like I have been in a cloud! But, I DO know what today's officially the first day of summer!

Last week was the first full week of summer vacation for the kids and on Monday, it got off to a scary start.  Craig called me around noon to let me know he had had a little bit of an accident at work.  He was on a golf cart, hit a slick spot on the cart path and it fishtailed, then rolled.  His leg was pinned underneath and he couldn't get out from it.  A couple of workers on the course saw it happen and helped him.  Long story short, he ended up being transported by ambulance to the ER.  Nothing broken, but left with 8 staples to his lower leg.  It was ugly.  We are grateful, as it could have been much worse.  He's hobbling around and is still in some discomfort.  He is supposed to have the staples removed on Friday. 

Aside from that, we've done a lot of nothing for the most where we really need to be, with the exception of cheer practices.  We've done a day long beach trip with friends.  We've done night swimming at the Esmeralda.  We've said goodbye to a friend who moved away....another one of Chandler's best friends has moved.  Sad. 

I got to visit with an old pal from El Paso last week.  She came to town with her daughter and  it was so much fun to hang by the pool and catch up and reminisce about our younger days!  Tomorrow, we get to have a little "staycation" at the the La Quinta Resort.  Just one night, but we'll have fun spending the night away from the house at one of my very favorite places.  

Over the last 2 weeks, I have managed to read three of the books on my list.  Just started the third book of "50 Shades.." Have you read it, yet? 

In the midst of enjoying not knowing what day it is, I am still on the search for a part-time job.  Hoping I find one soon...

With Craig's leg still not healed, we have postponed a trip to Lake Tahoe that we were originally going to take next week.  Hoping he's back to close to normal in the next couple of weeks so we can go have some fun on the lake and get the heck outta the heat!  Good thoughts for Craig and speedy healing!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Celebrate good times come on....

I always manage to turn something that my kids say into a song.  It annoys them to no end.  Rylee can't understand how I can instantly break into song with a single word or phrase that she or Chandler is saying.  (But, now I am starting to see where she gets some of her random, spontaneous song outbursts from....).  I can't help it.  I love to be silly sometimes.  Unfortunately, I don't think my kids find it silly...just embarrassing.  Oh well..

So, speaking of celebrating, it's what I've been doing.  I love my birthday and I celebrate it for as long as possible.  Or for as long as it doesn't become totally obnoxious.  For me, it starts with Mother's Day.  I get a little attention and a little bit of spoiling and feel all special....and I kind of just run with it.  During May, the weather is warm and from my previous post, we all know how I feel about that.  More reason to celebrate--that summer is comin'.

After my final (and after I came out of my little funk of not getting the grade I so wanted), I pampered myself with a little massage.  From there, I did a lot of stuff around this house that had been neglected over the last few months.  Swept out and organized the garage a little.  Cleaned up the laundry room.  Cleaned up this desk and filed things away.  I read the first of "50 Shades of Grey" (oh my...).  And started "Bloom."  I am getting things checked off of my summer to do list early.

I find so many little things that make me happy.  So, the little things that help me celebrate are attending year-end school awards assemblies and banquets....for academics and for cheer.  Nothing makes me happier than seeing my girls work hard and be rewarded and acknowledged for their efforts and talents.  All the year end culmination is happy and fun and exciting and it all falls around my birthday.

Friday night after one of our cheer banquets, some of our families gathered by the pool where our banquet was held.  The kids swam and the adults sat with our adult beverages and snacks and we laughed and laughed and laughed.  My stomach hurt.  It was too much fun and just the perfect way to "officially" start my birthday weekend. 

Saturday morning, Chandler left for a beach trip with her high school cheer team and Rylee left for an all day/all night birthday party.  As of 10 am, I found myself by myself.  What to do...So, I made myself breakfast.  I ran an errand and then ventured into Sephora.  I love Sephora.  I just wandered and played with makeup for about an hour.  From there, I treated myself to a pedi.  Bright pink with green polka dots.  Fun.  Summery.  Birthday-ish, right?  From there, it was sushi for dinner with Craig.  A lovely, quiet day.

Sunday was just pretty chill around the house.  Had breakfast then Craig and I headed over to the Esmeralda pool where Rylee's birthday party was finishing up.  We met friends, had cocktails and laid in the pool and the weather was nothing short of perfect.  From there it was Chandler's high school cheer banquet and home.  Chandler's boyfriend came by to pick her up and brought me a little cupcake.  My only cake for the day.  Got to make a wish and blow out a candle.  Thanks Andrew.  We couldn't let the evening end without a trip to Coldstone.  Yummy Cake Batter ice cream with strawberries.  My fav.

And last night.  Mexican dinner and margaritas with some great girlfriends.  Oh my...the things we talk and laugh about.  It was great and I am so grateful to have such beautiful friends in my life.

Goodness gracious...I think I am done.  Time to cleanse and dry out for awhile.

So, another year older, and I hope, wiser.....Last summer I was pretty sure I was having a mid-life crisis.  I had this panic attack that I had so little time left to "be young."  And panicking about what I was going to do with the rest of my life.  Well, after finally being admitted to the nursing program, I am grateful that I will get to do what I have wanted to do for so long.  And while I was doing my clinicals this semester, I had a couple of patients that made an impact on me.  Our focus this semester was geriatrics and orthopedics.  I had one female patient who was 61 years of age.  Without giving too much info, let's just say she was HOT.  She was beautiful.  Natural.  She was in great shape...and like I said...she was,  She was 61 and she might as well have been 41.  I had a couple of great conversations with her.  Another one of my patients was a 75 year old male.  Not kidding..he had the body of someone who was 30 years younger and in phenomenal shape.  Hardbody like you would not believe.  He told me that he and his wife have been married for 55 years.  And that his wife might as well be 50 years younger than him, because it's how she looked and acted.  Getting to know these two patients gave me reassurance that you truly are as old as you feel.  And obviously, if you take care of your body.  And if I ever second guessed myself about acting and feeling youthful or retaining my youth, these two patients were proof positive that it's not only A-OK, but it IS possible.  

We have more celebrating to do...only 2 more days of school this week!