Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What Day Is It, Anyway?

Last week on Tuesday, I was somewhere and as I said goodbye to the person I was talking to, I added, "Have a great weekend!"  Wait....what??  For the last couple of weeks, I have had no idea what day it is.  I so have to stop and focus about the day and date and look at the calendar to be sure I am not missing an appointment or where the kids need to be.  I kind of like it, but then again, I feel like I have been in a cloud! But, I DO know what today's officially the first day of summer!

Last week was the first full week of summer vacation for the kids and on Monday, it got off to a scary start.  Craig called me around noon to let me know he had had a little bit of an accident at work.  He was on a golf cart, hit a slick spot on the cart path and it fishtailed, then rolled.  His leg was pinned underneath and he couldn't get out from it.  A couple of workers on the course saw it happen and helped him.  Long story short, he ended up being transported by ambulance to the ER.  Nothing broken, but left with 8 staples to his lower leg.  It was ugly.  We are grateful, as it could have been much worse.  He's hobbling around and is still in some discomfort.  He is supposed to have the staples removed on Friday. 

Aside from that, we've done a lot of nothing for the most where we really need to be, with the exception of cheer practices.  We've done a day long beach trip with friends.  We've done night swimming at the Esmeralda.  We've said goodbye to a friend who moved away....another one of Chandler's best friends has moved.  Sad. 

I got to visit with an old pal from El Paso last week.  She came to town with her daughter and  it was so much fun to hang by the pool and catch up and reminisce about our younger days!  Tomorrow, we get to have a little "staycation" at the the La Quinta Resort.  Just one night, but we'll have fun spending the night away from the house at one of my very favorite places.  

Over the last 2 weeks, I have managed to read three of the books on my list.  Just started the third book of "50 Shades.." Have you read it, yet? 

In the midst of enjoying not knowing what day it is, I am still on the search for a part-time job.  Hoping I find one soon...

With Craig's leg still not healed, we have postponed a trip to Lake Tahoe that we were originally going to take next week.  Hoping he's back to close to normal in the next couple of weeks so we can go have some fun on the lake and get the heck outta the heat!  Good thoughts for Craig and speedy healing!

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